
Urgent Hiring Need? Here's What To Do...By Julie Rupenski, President & CEO, MedBest Recruiting

Do you have an urgent hiring need for senior living talent during this Covid19 crisis? Well, you're not alone. Senior living hiring managers are super stressed right now when trying to fill an unexpected vacancy or urgently needing more hands-on-deck.

Senior living professionals are at a premium considering the current pandemic combined with the pre-existing talent shortage that the senior living industry has been experiencing for years. 

Each day that passes with a role left vacant or your staff left shorthanded, your organization suffers when it comes to productivity, employee morale, resident care, and reputation. However, before you rush into hiring the first candidate that checks a few of your boxes, consider the following strategies on what to do when you have an urgent hiring need:

Tap Your Network
Tell everyone in your network and connections about the senior care position you're looking to fill.  Also, share info with current and former colleagues, friends, and family. Everyone knows someone! Plus, your acquaintances and professional connections will be more likely to provide you with the hard-to-find talent you're looking for and candidates sourced through this method are often more open to consider the position since it was recommended by someone they know and trust.

Use Social Media
Most employers already use social media for hiring but it's worth mentioning again since it can significantly reduce the time-to-hire. Use social media platforms to post your job opening and use direct messaging to communicate with potential candidates. Usually, potential candidates will respond relatively fast. Also with social media, acceptance rates are higher among potential candidates who share common interests, common connections, and values or work styles with an organization, which means your vacancy could be filled more quickly.

Involve Your Employees
Notify all your employees of an urgent talent need or job opening that must be filled immediately.  Post opening on your Intranet, website career page, or bulletin board. Offer a reward for any employee referrals that get hired.

Consider Interim Talent
Hiring interim talent is skyrocketing. It's a popular, viable, and quick solution for vacant positions, surges in patient/resident care, and short-term talent gaps especially when it comes to leadership roles such as Executive DirectorNursing Home AdministratorDirector of Nursing, Resident Care Director/Wellness Director, and MDS Coordinator. Interim placements enable your organization to minimize business disruptions, avoid being shorthanded, and remain productive while you search for that permanent hire.

Consider Rehiring Previous Employees
Previous employees represent one of your most promising pools of immediate talent especially in the senior living industry where talent is at a premium. As former employees, they are known quantities and can hit the ground running. Plus, you already know what to expect in terms of their on-the-job performance and cultural fit.

Speed-Up Hiring Process
Speed in hiring is the “magic bullet” for urgent talent needs. Start with reducing the number of interviews. When a well-qualified candidate shows interest in working at your organization, act quickly. Make sure to immediately interview them and decrease the number of managers involved. Cut out any unnecessary steps. Any delays during the interviewing process can cause you to lose out on candidates.

Incorporate Video Interviews
Currently, the best way to interview candidates safely and quickly, is to schedule a phone or video interview. It's especially useful when trying to screen and pare down first round candidates without risking the health of all parties.  With video, you will be able to record your live session and as a result, share it with your management team for their input.

Schedule Off-Hour Interviews
Consider same-day interviews and off-hour interview slots such as evenings and weekends. Make it convenient for employed candidates or passive candidates to interview. The more convenient, the more likely they will be impressed by your flexibility and join your organization.

Hire Reputable Search Firm
Professional Senior Living Search Firms have access to a network of high quality and in-demand talent.  They already have an existing pool of talent, understand the skill sets needed, acumen to evaluate CV's and resumes, and the ability to identify and secure the right fit.  They work in an expedient manner and in the strictest of confidence.


MedBest is a national Executive Search Firm exclusive to the Senior Living Industry established in 2001.  We recruit and acquire exceptional senior care talent, permanent and interim executives, for all types of Senior Living Organizations and Communities across the US including Assisted Living, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Independent Living, Memory Care, and Skilled Nursing Facilities.

Ask us about our Interim Talent Solutions including: Interim Executive Director, Interim Nursing Home Administrator, Interim Director of Nursing, and Interim MDS Coordinator.

Connect with MedBest on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter @MedBestJobs


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