Example Product 1

Photo caption text can be included with each image uploaded to Store Builder.

 Example Product 1
This is the content area used for the product's short description. It is displayed at the top of the product detail page and is also used if the product is "featured" in a category or on the store's main page.
Item Number: 12345
Shipping Weight: 2lbs. 0oz.
Price: $0.00
Product Option One:
Product Option Two:
This is the content area used for the product's long description. It is displayed on the product detail page.

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Upcoming VALA Events

VALA is proud to offer upcoming events, webinars, and meetings for assisted living administrators, regional staff members, caregivers, nurses, and other staff members. Several of the events will offer a variety of continuing education credits dependent upon the topics (i.e. NAB, Nursing, Social Work). Check the VALA Events Calendar for upcoming opportunities.