Health & Safety Resources

DISCLAIMER: Many links contained on this page are specific to the COVID-19 pandemic and may have expired; however, there are many links contained on the page to refer visitors to agencies and resources that are still operating and applicable. 

The Virginia Assisted Living Association (VALA) consulted with multiple government agencies, industry stakeholders, and providers regarding the current health alerts on the Coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19). Below is information and links that may be helpful in the prevention and treatment of COVID and other transmittable infections. Since there are numerous agencies and organizations publishing facts about infection prevention and treatment, VALA has provided the below links as a sample to some of the most helpful resources currently available. 

For public health concerns, please consult your local health department and licensing agencies.  

Quick Links to Resource Areas Listed Below:


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COVID-19 Supports & Resources: Staffing, Supplies, Testing, & Infection Control - Download a isting of companies that may be able to provide assistance with staffing, supplies, or testing. VALA does not endorse or recommend any of the companies listed and is sharing the listed for informational purposes only as potential contacts. 
Guidance for Homemade PPE: Per the CDC: In a setting where face masks are not available, HCP might use homemade masks for care of patients with COVID-19 as a last resort. However, homemade masks are not considered PPE, since their capability to protect HCP is unknown. Caution should be exercised when considering this option. Homemade masks should ideally be used in combination with a face shield that covers the entire front (that extends to the chin or below) and sides of the face. 


Lessons Learned from Providers Impacted by COVID-19

  • Monitor federal/state/local government websites routinely for updates on prevention, treatment, and restrictions. 
  • Monitor Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a regular basis before and during any potential emergency and acquire additional supplies before being needed.
  • Review and update as needed visitation policies to provide the best response for the optimal well-being of residents and staff.
  • Communicate all visitation and emergency action policies whenever changed with residents, family members, volunteers, and community guests.
  • Employees, residents, and guests need to be considered when planning for prevention and protection of any disease or emergency.
  • Maintain an up to date listing of contact information for local Health Departments and emergency support organizations and have the listing readily available to appropriate staff members.
Words of Wisdom for any potential crisis situation:
  • Use discretion in the information reviewed to verify the validity of it as unfortunately, some misinformation has been shared.

Last Updated: November 11, 2024

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Upcoming VALA Events

VALA is proud to offer upcoming events, webinars, and meetings for assisted living administrators, regional staff members, caregivers, nurses, and other staff members. Several of the events will offer a variety of continuing education credits dependent upon the topics (i.e. NAB, Nursing, Social Work). Check the VALA Events Calendar for upcoming opportunities.