Event Calendar

Monday, August 19, 2024

VALA RAP - Regulatory Review

Start Date: 8/19/2024 2:00 PM EDT
End Date: 8/19/2024 3:30 PM EDT

Venue Name: Zoom

Organization Name: VALA

Judy Hackler
Email: jhackler@valainfo.org
Phone: (804) 332-2111

VALA is convening a Regulatory Advisory Panel (RAP) to review in detail the regulations for ALFs and for being an ALF administrator. We will review the regulations in detail and seek feedback on amendments, additions, and deletions to the regulations. Any VALA member or staff of a VALA member is welcome to participate in these discussions. Preregistration is required to participate.

Feedback created through the VALA RAP will be shared as part of the periodic review processes for regulations and as a feedback to the Governor's directive to regulatory agencies to reduce regulations by 25%. We will move quickly through the regulations, but we welcome all ideas of improvement for the regulations.

Document links:

Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 8/18/2024 11:45 PM

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Upcoming VALA Events

VALA is proud to offer upcoming events, webinars, and meetings for assisted living administrators, regional staff members, caregivers, nurses, and other staff members. Several of the events will offer a variety of continuing education credits dependent upon the topics (i.e. NAB, Nursing, Social Work). Check the VALA Events Calendar for upcoming opportunities.